Puppy Training in Bulldog’s

Training  Bulldog’s Puppy

One of the oldest and prestige dogs today is none other than a Bulldog. This pedigree has represented Britain for over 400 years. Bulldog’s tend to be stubborn at times, but has plenty of courage. Puppy training a Bulldog can be quite a task due to the pups nature.

Selecting a Dog

Upon selecting the Bulldog, be aware of the amount of work involved. This particular dog suffers from many health-related issues. When deciding on a pup make sure that it has been properly weaned and does not exhibit hostile behavior. Always take a new dog to the nearest vet for a thorough examination. It is also a good time to update the pups’ shots.

Any training needs to begin as soon as the Bulldog arrives. Only proceed if the dog is past weaning age, and has proper social skills. If the pup has not been introduced to people or other animals, now is the time to start.

Training a Bulldog

Training should begin with basic commands. Adding to much at once might confuse the dog. It is suggested to use a crate at the beginning stages of house breaking a pup. The process may take a while, but if successful, a Bulldog will be less likely to ruin the residence.

As the Bulldog learns simple commands, establish authority over the pup. Teach the dog not to bite by using toys as an example. Provide a noise or movement to for the pup to indicate discomfort. Do not allow the dog on household furniture. Try to keep the pup in the crate as often as possible. This way the Bulldog will become accustomed to being in there.

Training an move in to obedience after the initial stage. Simple commands could consist of “Lay down,” “Sit,” and “Stay.” A few extra ones can be applied such as coming when called, or leash training.

A Bulldog is knowledgeable of certain cues, however, because of its nature, may decide to follow the owners’ direction.

Protecting a Bulldog through Training

Due to a Bulldog’s nature, it will explore everything it can find. The breed is extinctively curious. Owner’s should teach the dog not to chase after vehicles, to heel at a curb, and to stay close when out for a walk. Keep the pup on its leash until the dog has learned to come when called, and knows to not get to far ahead. Bulldogs have a higher risk of wondering off than other dogs of similar size.

Training a Bulldog can appear to be a daunting task, but upon reflection, a Bulldog is one of the most loyal companions to have as a pet. The pup will stay close to its owner, follow direction and keep the house clean. This is why training is an important step from a young age.

As one can see, a Bulldog is an excellent pedigree to own. They might be strong willed at times, but they are also courageous, loyal, and follow instruction well.