Dogs Hostile Behavior


About Dogs Hostile Behavior

There are several reasons why a dog will exhibit hostile behavior. One reason might be that the dog is trying to establish control over the owner. Another could be due to abuse from a previous relationship with people. No matter what the issue is for the hostility, the problem needs immediate attention. If left untreated it can have dire consequences.

The Main Cause of Hostility in Dogs

Hostility in dogs can start from a very young age. This is usually the time when a puppy is learning social skills. It is also when a dog is receiving adequate training in proper behavior. During the teaching process the pup is introduced to other animals and family members. By allowing interaction with others the dog gets use to the daily routine, and is therefore less likely to attack.

A good rule of thumb is never to wean the puppy from the litter to soon. A dog in the early stages of development needs the bond between mother and pup. Do not use severe punishment on a dog at this age, and give plenty of love and tenderness. Hostile behavior breeds more of the same. An owner should be aware that if they mistreat a dog the pup will behave in kind.

Some dogs are hostile based on genetic makeup. It does not automatically mean the animal will attack, but that it is wise to keep a watchful eye when it is interacting. This is especially true around young children. Another way to minimize improper behavior is by getting the dog fixed. Animals tend to be more aggressive when not spayed or neutered.

The type of environment the pup is brought up in will determine the animal’s demeanor; if it lives in an abusive home without proper guidance a dog has a higher risk of hostility.

Often times a puppy is attempting to exhort control. By the use of certain mannerisms, such as biting, it is displaying authority over the owner. This needs to be discouraged from a young age.

Gaining Control over Hostile Behavior

If hostile behavior continues once the dog has reached maturity, immediate action is required. By now the owner should have established dominance over the dog. Never give praise or special treats for inappropriate behavior. The dog will think this is a green light and not change. Be consistent.

When training the pup make sure to establish feeding and bathroom times. Teach the dog basic commands. If the rules are laxed in any way, the dog will return to its previous habits.

If it is noticed that the dog becomes hostile when it feels threatened, make sure to keep it from children and seek specialized training.

In conclusion, hostile behavior in dogs can be a problem, but with proper learning a puppy can become a wonderful addition to the family. As demonstrated above, a dog usually has some sort of genetic or personal reason for its hostility. This can include an abusive home or attack from another animal. When purchasing or adopting a pup try to get a history from its previous owner. This will provide valuable information on how to treat the puppy when it first arrives.