Ways to Make Your Poodle Stop Biting

How to Make Poodle Stop Biting

When you want to make your Poodle stop biting, just follow the tips in this article. Poodles are one of the smartest breeds of dogs and one of the easiest breeds to train. Teaching them that biting is unacceptable usually doesn’t take very long especially if the training is started when they are puppies. Here is how to make your Poodle stop biting.

Poodles are naturally socialized as a puppy. The puppy should never be taken away from its mother before eight weeks of age. This will make it easier to train not to bite.

Why do Poodles Bite

Poodles are said to bite more than other breeds of dog but this isn’t true. Poodles are sometimes bred down to a smaller size and it is also said that the smaller the poodle, the more that they bite.

The truth is that the incidents of poodle biting’s are only slightly higher than with other breeds. They are naturally well behaved animals. It is very simple to stop the poodle from biting.

The reason for the slightly elevated number of dog biting’s from poodles is that they are only bred as pets. That is their sole purpose in life. However, a fact that is rarely brought to light is that originally the standard size poodle was actually bred for hunting but over the years, this was no longer a practice with these dogs.

These are one of the smartest breeds of dog around. They are smart, yet have very little in the way of stronger instincts. After the age of eight weeks, the dog should be taught to be familiar with your family and with other dogs to train it to be more social. Show the poodle puppy warmth and affection. Start going to bite aversion classes with your puppy so that it will know that biting is not acceptable. Never, ever, speak sharply to your puppy. They don’t know any better just yet and anger in your voice with your pet can lead to many more problems later on. Making your poodle stop biting takes time and patience. Treat the puppy the way that you would a child. Show gentleness and great understanding. If the puppy bites you, make whining noises to show that the bite hurt you.

When Your Older Poodle Bites

If your senior poodle has a nasty biting habit, then you need to make sure that you are in control of your dog. Make sure that your dog understands that you are the head of the household, not the dog. You have to control the entire relationship with your dog which includes feeding times, walking times and teach your dog some simple commands.

If your dog shows signs of aggressive behavior, take them to obedience classes, where they can have a chance to practice social skills with other dogs and can have professional help with their aggressive problems.

Even after all of this training, your dog still might show aggressive issues but these could be health related as well. Have your dog checked over by a vet if you can’t make your poodle stop biting.
