Training a Dachshund

Training a Dachshund

Dachshunds are the most adorable dogs to date. The problem is that they require a different method of training. Despite the cute stature, a Dotson is mischievous by nature. The question becomes: Does a Doxie need specialized treatment to control its’ behavior?

The Difference with Dachshunds

First, training a Dachshund is no easy feat. The Owner of a Doxie needs plenty of patience. This is due to the stubborn attitude exhibited by the dog. Dotson’s tend to be independent with an “achiever” mentality, and will calmly wait for whatever they desire.

The main thing to remember about Doxie’s is that besides being very charming, a Dotson is still a dog. The pup needs to be treated in a certain manner compared to other canines. The moment that a Master allows the dog to be humanized, or given free reign, any training will be null and void. It would be a process of starting back at the beginning.

If a Master is neglectful during the teaching phase, the dog is at risk for serious back problems. A Dotson also has a high-spirited demeanor. The dog can injury its’ back when climbing or jumping because of extremely small size. Both issues can be addressed with behavior modification.

Dachshund Training Fundamentals

Start training the Doxie when the pup is still young. Make sure to provide the dog with adequate exercise. This pedigree is trained to be hunting dogs. If left with no place to exhort that energy it can come back on the owner.

Double check to ensure that the pup has plenty of running space, and it will be easier to teach. Remain firm and plan accordingly.

Sessions should never be more than a few minutes at a time. Five is sufficient when training the Dotson. Anything beyond that amount will result in a bored pup. The Master wants to keep the dogs’ attention in order to teach basic commands.

Introduce words to the Doxie, such as, “Sit”, “Stay”, and “Down”. As explained earlier, Dachshunds cannot jump or climb without proper support. Owners should help the pup when going up or down stairs. Do not allow jumping on the furniture. This provides the dog with some protection.

Using a clicker to train a Dotson is an excellent part of the teaching process. Despite a Doxie not being able to hear well, the dog can respond to loud sounds. Intermediate bursts of the clicker can hold the pups’ attention.

Disciplining this pedigree is not conducive to the Dachshunds independent persona. Excessive punishment will lead to hostile behavior, whereas, rewarding the dog creates a loving pet. Doxies adore physical interaction and treats as a way to show appreciation.

In short, training a Dotson is extremely complicated. It requires a great deal if endurance. Dachshunds will only hold their focus for a short period of time. While a Doxie can be a fabulous pet to own, they are stubborn and very assertive. Do not let the dogs’ cuteness deter from the ultimate goal. That objective is a well-mannered Dachshund.

Ways to Make Your Poodle Stop Biting

How to Make Poodle Stop Biting

When you want to make your Poodle stop biting, just follow the tips in this article. Poodles are one of the smartest breeds of dogs and one of the easiest breeds to train. Teaching them that biting is unacceptable usually doesn’t take very long especially if the training is started when they are puppies. Here is how to make your Poodle stop biting.

Poodles are naturally socialized as a puppy. The puppy should never be taken away from its mother before eight weeks of age. This will make it easier to train not to bite.

Why do Poodles Bite

Poodles are said to bite more than other breeds of dog but this isn’t true. Poodles are sometimes bred down to a smaller size and it is also said that the smaller the poodle, the more that they bite.

The truth is that the incidents of poodle biting’s are only slightly higher than with other breeds. They are naturally well behaved animals. It is very simple to stop the poodle from biting.

The reason for the slightly elevated number of dog biting’s from poodles is that they are only bred as pets. That is their sole purpose in life. However, a fact that is rarely brought to light is that originally the standard size poodle was actually bred for hunting but over the years, this was no longer a practice with these dogs.

These are one of the smartest breeds of dog around. They are smart, yet have very little in the way of stronger instincts. After the age of eight weeks, the dog should be taught to be familiar with your family and with other dogs to train it to be more social. Show the poodle puppy warmth and affection. Start going to bite aversion classes with your puppy so that it will know that biting is not acceptable. Never, ever, speak sharply to your puppy. They don’t know any better just yet and anger in your voice with your pet can lead to many more problems later on. Making your poodle stop biting takes time and patience. Treat the puppy the way that you would a child. Show gentleness and great understanding. If the puppy bites you, make whining noises to show that the bite hurt you.

When Your Older Poodle Bites

If your senior poodle has a nasty biting habit, then you need to make sure that you are in control of your dog. Make sure that your dog understands that you are the head of the household, not the dog. You have to control the entire relationship with your dog which includes feeding times, walking times and teach your dog some simple commands.

If your dog shows signs of aggressive behavior, take them to obedience classes, where they can have a chance to practice social skills with other dogs and can have professional help with their aggressive problems.

Even after all of this training, your dog still might show aggressive issues but these could be health related as well. Have your dog checked over by a vet if you can’t make your poodle stop biting.

Dogs Hostile Behavior

About Dogs Hostile Behavior

There are several reasons why a dog will exhibit hostile behavior. One reason might be that the dog is trying to establish control over the owner. Another could be due to abuse from a previous relationship with people. No matter what the issue is for the hostility, the problem needs immediate attention. If left untreated it can have dire consequences.

The Main Cause of Hostility in Dogs

Hostility in dogs can start from a very young age. This is usually the time when a puppy is learning social skills. It is also when a dog is receiving adequate training in proper behavior. During the teaching process the pup is introduced to other animals and family members. By allowing interaction with others the dog gets use to the daily routine, and is therefore less likely to attack.

A good rule of thumb is never to wean the puppy from the litter to soon. A dog in the early stages of development needs the bond between mother and pup. Do not use severe punishment on a dog at this age, and give plenty of love and tenderness. Hostile behavior breeds more of the same. An owner should be aware that if they mistreat a dog the pup will behave in kind.

Some dogs are hostile based on genetic makeup. It does not automatically mean the animal will attack, but that it is wise to keep a watchful eye when it is interacting. This is especially true around young children. Another way to minimize improper behavior is by getting the dog fixed. Animals tend to be more aggressive when not spayed or neutered.

The type of environment the pup is brought up in will determine the animal’s demeanor; if it lives in an abusive home without proper guidance a dog has a higher risk of hostility.

Often times a puppy is attempting to exhort control. By the use of certain mannerisms, such as biting, it is displaying authority over the owner. This needs to be discouraged from a young age.

Gaining Control over Hostile Behavior

If hostile behavior continues once the dog has reached maturity, immediate action is required. By now the owner should have established dominance over the dog. Never give praise or special treats for inappropriate behavior. The dog will think this is a green light and not change. Be consistent.

When training the pup make sure to establish feeding and bathroom times. Teach the dog basic commands. If the rules are laxed in any way, the dog will return to its previous habits.

If it is noticed that the dog becomes hostile when it feels threatened, make sure to keep it from children and seek specialized training.

In conclusion, hostile behavior in dogs can be a problem, but with proper learning a puppy can become a wonderful addition to the family. As demonstrated above, a dog usually has some sort of genetic or personal reason for its hostility. This can include an abusive home or attack from another animal. When purchasing or adopting a pup try to get a history from its previous owner. This will provide valuable information on how to treat the puppy when it first arrives.

Why Your Dog Eats Poop

 Dog Eats Poop

If you are wondering why your dog eats poop then read on. It’s gross and embarrassing but also very common for dogs to do this. There has been discovered a link between the poop eating and anxiety issues as well as nutritional issues. The information is below on why your dog eats poop.

An Explanation for Why Your Dog Eats Poop

There are a variety of reasons for dogs eating poop. This habit is called coprophagia and, although nauseating, really does your dog no harm. Sometimes they do this to clean up their own living space. If you don’t keep your dog’s space clean, this is what you can expect. Dogs do not like being in a space with a lot of poop.

There are also some health related issues. Your dog may have a nutritional problem which will cause him to eat his poop. Have the vet check your dog for worms or other parasites that are getting more of the nutrition from the dog food than your dog is. Eating the poop is just a way for him to get more nutrition. Once the dog receives medication to kill the parasites, the poop eating should stop. This is one reason why your dog eats poop.

They say that imitation is the highest form of compliment, so if your dog sees you cleaning his space of poop, he might just be imitating you or possible another dog that he sees eating poop. Other dogs do this out of anxiety and it becomes a habit with them.

No matter what the reason of your dog’s poop eating, it is a pretty easy habit to break. And it is a habit that needs to be stopped.

Stopping Your Dog’s Poop Eating

The first thing to make sure of is that there aren’t any health problems involved in your dog’s poop eating habit. This is especially true if the dog has never done this before. Find out if the dog has worms or other internal parasites, if not, then increase the dog’s food portion.

If this doesn’t solve the problem, then start keeping the dog’s area clean of poop daily. Check everywhere in the yard and make sure it is free of dog poop. This will remove the source of the bad habit.

Making Adjustments in Your Dog’s Behavior

There are other measures that you can take to change your dog’s “eating habit”. Adding a distaste to the poop such as cayenne pepper or sour apple should put an end to the poop eating. Another method is to feed your dog a spoonful of pumpkin puree on a daily basis. Also spraying them with a water bottle when they start to eat poop accompanied by a firm “No” will make them stop. Dogs hate being sprayed with water.

Taking them for frequent walks in the park and keeping their area poop free will cure your dog’s habit. This is why your dog eats poop, because it is there. But don’t let the dog lick your face.

Training Your Chihuahua

Training Chihuahua

Training your Chihuahua takes some patience because of their personalities. They are cute and they are lovable, but they can also be high strung terrors as well. A lot of owners don’t see past their small size and think of them as not being any trouble. But without training, they can quickly become a small powder keg of dynamite. They can be destructive and meaner than their small size denotes. So training your Chihuahua has got to start at a young age.

Why It Is Vital to Know How to Train Your Chihuahua

A Chihuahua is devoted to it’s master and wants to go everywhere with you. They want to spend every minute possible with you in both sleeping and waking hours. That is why they make the best companions. But a Chihuahua is like any dog in spite of it’s size. And training your Chihuahua is a necessity because these little dogs are very aggressive and stubborn when it comes to obeying commands that you give.

The Chihuahua does not get along well with other dogs and its aggressive attitude is renowned. They think that they are bigger and meaner than they are and have been seen chasing pit bulls down the road. This can be a very bad scenario for the Chihuahua if the pit bull turns on it.

Although extremely aggressive with other dogs, Chihuahuas are very shy around other people. They are not very good with children either and very jumpy to outside noises. These behaviors can be reversed with good training.

Steps to Training Your Chihuahua

The first step to having a well behaved Chihuahua is to assert yourself as the Alpha personality in the household. The Chihuahua thinks that the house is his and that he is in charge. He will “act out” to show you that he is boss if you let him. Here is how to become the Alpha personality.

Make sure that you set a “feeding time” for your dog. Once you have set the time for your dog to eat, do not cave in to the whining of your dog. Food is given no earlier or later than the set time. Walk your pet twice daily making sure that you are the one in control of the walk. Don’t let the dog dictate the direction or speed of the walk. Leash control is very important when training your Chihuahua.

Mental Stimulation is Important to Your Chihuahua

Even with their seemingly endless energy, a Chihuahua rarely gets enough exercise. The key here is to make sure that they aren’t bored. If possible, take them to the park and play with them. Don’t give the dog a chance to challenge you. Don’t lose your temper with your Chihuahua but have patience with them. They love you but they don’t know what you want from them. It is much easier training your Chihuahua with simple commands such as stay, sit or fetch. This will lessen their bad temperament and make them much more pleasant to be around.

Health Related Issues in Dog’s

Health Issues about Dog

There are several health-related issues in a dog that an owner needs to be aware of when possessing a canine. If the conditions are not managed in a timely manner, it can be costly and emotionally draining. Instead of waiting for a problem to arise, learn ways to avert the situation prior to it happening. Doing so allows for a healthy and happy pup.

Potential Health Problems

Just like a human body experiences problems, the pup also needs regular check-ups to prevent illness. Dog’s cannot speak or verbalize that something is wrong. This leaves the canine to agonize in pain until the discomfort has passed, and further treatment is not warranted. It is important to know what to look for and how to address these concerns.

Infections are a common complaint in a dog. Bacteria can collect in ears, skin, eyes, and teeth. Ear infections are the most prevalent and usually stem from a lodged object or germ invading the canal. The master should look for red spots, swelling, wetness or dirt on a regular basis. Contagions are the simplest to thwart. Frequent grooming of the eyes, brushing teeth, and combing hair will prevent unnecessary residue.

Allergies are a constant irritant when owning a pup. Fleas inhabit directly above the skin, causing sores and discomfort. Medicated powder and collars are available for a reasonable price at grocery and pet outlets. Visits to the vet will assure that the dog is free from allergens. A more complicated matter is food sensitivity. This requires immediate attention.

While diabetes is often seen in humans, owners should watch for similar symptoms in a dog. Avoid using cookies and candy as treats. The pancreas cannot digest it properly. To deter diabetes allow minimal quantities from the table and eliminate large amounts of nutrients. Labrador’s diagnosed with this disorder needs to have injections administered.

Canines are at a higher risk for arthritis because of distant and constricted joints. Pups’ need adequate vitamins and minerals daily. Owners should have the dog checked once a year for degeneration of the surrounding tissue.

Obesity in a pup is the most reported and fatal health problem. It is related to overeating and lack of physical activity. Mortality is not caused by being obese directly, but can correlate with heart disease, tumors, liver complications, and skin irritation. If lesions fester it can develop serious fungi, resulting in amputation or death. Keep an eye on dietary and fitness habits.

Teaching the canine proper exercise, a balanced diet, and grooming can eradicate severe impediment. An annual visit to the vet will delay the affliction before it has a chance to progress.

Just because a dog is not human does not mean a possessor should neglect the health and well-being of a cherished pet. It has been proven that animals suffer from some of the same ailments that humans have. This includes but is not limited to arthritis, diabetes and cancer. The cost to have the pup free of pain is worth any amount of money. While an owner may not be able to save it from disease forever, it can be delayed by many years.

How to Crate Train A Dog

 Crate Train A Dog

If you want to know how to crate train a dog, then read on further. Don’t think that you are the only one to want this information. Thousands of dog owners are able to leave their dog in a room or in their crate in order to reduce stress, barking and destruction of property. This training also comes in handy if you have a new puppy. If you don’t like your dog sharing your bed or couch then knowing how to crate train a dog is the answer for the both of you.

Crate Training a Dog is Valuable Information

If you are new to learning how to do this type of dog training or wondering if it is really necessary for your pet, then relax because most dogs love their crates especially if it has their bed inside. When a dog is undomesticated, it will search for a small, comfortable place that it can make into a makeshift cave to keep them warm and safe. A crate gives the dog the same peace and security that they make into their own personal space. Dogs that live in open spaces such as unfenced yards, have a hard time distinguishing between that space and their home. This makes it difficult for them to know where to patrol and which space they are supposed to protect. This causes anxiety in the dog.

Methods of Training Your Dog to the Crate

If you have a puppy, then this is the perfect time to start crate training your dog. It is much harder to crate train a full grown dog who has never been in a crate before and will become confused and anxious in the small space. At first, your puppy will be upset but the adjustment time is much shorter.

The living room is the ideal place to put the crate since that is where the most people usually are. Visual contact is very calming to the puppy. At night, the crate should be put in the bedroom so that they will feel safe since you are present. Once they have adjusted to being in the crate for extended periods of time, one room to keep the crate in will do just fine.

When you start to crate train your dog the size of the crate is important. Make sure there is a nice warm place inside the crate for the puppy to sleep. Also place water and a toy inside the crate. The size of the crate should only be enough room for the puppy to sleep in. If it’s big enough to move around in then the puppy will make a mess. As long as they are able to turn around in it will be comfortable to them.

Leave the puppy in the crate for short periods of time at first but do not take the puppy out if it gets upset. Like a child, the puppy will learn that if he whines you will pick him up. If he has been quiet for at least five minutes, then pick him up and show him that you are proud of him. As he grows older and adjusts, you can leave him in the crate for longer periods of time. This is the correct way to crate train a dog.