Stop Your Puppy from Biting

Stop  Puppy from Biting

If your puppy biting is an annoyance to you, then you need to stop your puppy from biting. Puppies are cute as they can be but owners sometimes don’t realize that their puppies biting habit can be dangerous later on in life. Most puppies learn to quit biting very early in life but some don’t. The little brothers and sisters of the puppy teach him that if he bites, he gets bitten right back. After the age of eight weeks old, the puppy should stop biting. But sometimes the owner does instigate the return of the habit with tugs of war playing. Then you have to teach your puppy to stop biting all over again.

Stop the Biting in the Early Years

When you first bring your eight week old puppy home and it continues to bite and nip at your fingers, the you have to start training to stop this habit immediately. Never hit your puppy though when it bites you. You don’t want to make your puppy afraid of you and will develop many phobias and anxiety attacks which will lead to more aggressive actions later on in life. In order to successfully stop your puppy from biting, you have to find out the cause. The way to do this is to discourage any negative behavior and reinforce positive behaviors with rewards. Don’t confuse your puppy with aggressive games such as chase and tug of war.

You have to be consistent with training your puppy and not let it become spoiled. It’s comparable to teaching a child; you can’t let them get away with anything. In many ways, the puppy does have the same intelligence level of a child. The puppy can also be just as stubborn as a child is. So you have to have a lot of patience when training him.

The Actual Training

When you have decided to start training your puppy, enrolling it in an obedience class is sometime the best way. This way they have professional training. There are even actual bite inhibition classes which imitate the puppy’s mother who teaches that bites are not acceptable behavior. The puppy must learn to interact with other dogs acceptably as well. There are socialization classes for that too.

When your puppy bites or nips at you tell it “NO” in a firm voice or whimper like another puppy would if nipped. That way your puppy will know that it has hurt you and that you don’t like it. Buying your puppy a chew toy is also a positive way to make sure that it doesn’t bite people. If nothing else works, then the obedience classes are the only solution.

Training your puppy not to bite is very important. If it bites someone as an older dog, it can lead to many legal worries that might result in the dog being destroyed. There can also be lawsuits in some cases of dog biting. So stopping your puppy from biting can avoid many heartaches and worries.


Puppy Training in Bulldog’s

Training  Bulldog’s Puppy

One of the oldest and prestige dogs today is none other than a Bulldog. This pedigree has represented Britain for over 400 years. Bulldog’s tend to be stubborn at times, but has plenty of courage. Puppy training a Bulldog can be quite a task due to the pups nature.

Selecting a Dog

Upon selecting the Bulldog, be aware of the amount of work involved. This particular dog suffers from many health-related issues. When deciding on a pup make sure that it has been properly weaned and does not exhibit hostile behavior. Always take a new dog to the nearest vet for a thorough examination. It is also a good time to update the pups’ shots.

Any training needs to begin as soon as the Bulldog arrives. Only proceed if the dog is past weaning age, and has proper social skills. If the pup has not been introduced to people or other animals, now is the time to start.

Training a Bulldog

Training should begin with basic commands. Adding to much at once might confuse the dog. It is suggested to use a crate at the beginning stages of house breaking a pup. The process may take a while, but if successful, a Bulldog will be less likely to ruin the residence.

As the Bulldog learns simple commands, establish authority over the pup. Teach the dog not to bite by using toys as an example. Provide a noise or movement to for the pup to indicate discomfort. Do not allow the dog on household furniture. Try to keep the pup in the crate as often as possible. This way the Bulldog will become accustomed to being in there.

Training an move in to obedience after the initial stage. Simple commands could consist of “Lay down,” “Sit,” and “Stay.” A few extra ones can be applied such as coming when called, or leash training.

A Bulldog is knowledgeable of certain cues, however, because of its nature, may decide to follow the owners’ direction.

Protecting a Bulldog through Training

Due to a Bulldog’s nature, it will explore everything it can find. The breed is extinctively curious. Owner’s should teach the dog not to chase after vehicles, to heel at a curb, and to stay close when out for a walk. Keep the pup on its leash until the dog has learned to come when called, and knows to not get to far ahead. Bulldogs have a higher risk of wondering off than other dogs of similar size.

Training a Bulldog can appear to be a daunting task, but upon reflection, a Bulldog is one of the most loyal companions to have as a pet. The pup will stay close to its owner, follow direction and keep the house clean. This is why training is an important step from a young age.

As one can see, a Bulldog is an excellent pedigree to own. They might be strong willed at times, but they are also courageous, loyal, and follow instruction well.

Stop Your Puppy from Chewing

How to Stop Puppy from Chewing

You need to stop your puppy from chewing up your furniture, pillows and shoes. Although chewing is an instinctual behavior, you can redirect the chewing action. This will stop your puppy from chewing up things he shouldn’t.

Why You Should Stop Your Puppy’s Chewing

Most owners of young puppies consider it okay for a puppy to chew everything in sight. That’s just what puppies do. Or they go to the other extreme and yell at the poor puppy constantly for chewing. The actual response should be in the middle of these two. You have to show him that there is an alternative to chewing up his master’s possessions.

How You Can Stop Your Puppy from Chewing

Never scold or hit your puppy when you catch him chewing on the wrong things. You don’t want your pet to think you are angry. This can cause behavior problems with the dog gets older. Don’t direct your anger at the dog because it confuses them, since they don’t know what they are doing wrong. Take the actions listed below instead to stop your puppy from chewing.

When you want to stop your puppy from chewing on something that he should not, replace that object with the puppy’s chew toy. Then tell him what a good dog he is when he starts chewing on the toy instead of your things. This will let him know that chewing on the toy is okay.

Keep you puppy occupied so that he doesn’t get bored. A puppy chews when he is bored so keeping him busy is like reading a book to him. Give them plenty of exercise by playing with them when you are home. Make sure that the puppy has plenty of toys for when you are gone.

Crate training is one way to make sure that your puppy can’t get to your stuff to chew. Make sure he has a comfortable clean bed, some water, and his chew toys to play with. Make sure that when you return home for the day that you greet your puppy with enthusiasm.

A way to protect your couch cushions or pillows, which they can and do actively demolish, use a safe spray that won’t harm the puppy like bitter apple spray or pepper spray. These taste terrible to the puppy and they won’t chew things that taste bad. Even though chewing is normal for a puppy, they should be taught not to chew on your fingers or your things. Also keep in mind that some of the stuffing’s used for pillows and couch cushions can make your dog sick.

If you really want your puppy to quit chewing, then don’t do these training sessions in spurts but always try to be consistent. You’ll only confuse your puppy if you don’t. It won’t happen overnight, so be sure to have a lot of patience with your new pet. Set some strict rules for them to follow. If you don’t do this, you’ll never stop your puppy from chewing.