Outline for Schutzhund Dog Training

 Schutzhund Dog Training

Are you looking for a way to accomplish Schutzhund dog training? The training of these dogs has been a sport for many years which started in Germany for use in seeing if German Shepard’s would work as police dogs. Instead of going on appearances of the dog as fit for police work, this type of training was started. Very few dogs pass the Schutzhund dog training methods.

Starting Points for Schutzhund Dog Training

It has taken over 100 years to perfect this strict type of dog training. It is a very rigid and very structured method of dog training and is a lot less abusive than when it was first developed. Each animal must go through a full evaluation which is the reason behind the strictness. Today, there are DVD’s which teach the complete course of training for those prefer to do the training at home.

The actual training will be very intense in specific areas of police work such as sniffing, protection and retrieving that the dog needs to know in order to do the work required of him. This training usually starts when the dog is only a few weeks old and continues for weeks and sometime longer to make sure that the dog is ready for working as a police dog.

The Heart and Soul of Schutzhund Training

Schutzhund training is very complicated. The video course you decide to pursue determines what methods are employed. The basic training however have all the following points in common.

Not all of the training courses use the clicker method, but it is pretty well considered a staple of the Schutzhund training. This works very well with the German Shepard’s and other suitable breeds. This training should begin at as early an age as possible.

The first critical test of the training is obedience. Most obedience training consists of 10 commands which usually include “focus, attention”, “sit, down and stand”, front, pointing at an object, targeting, heel command and more. This part is completed when the dog obeys all of these commands.

The next section of the training is tracking. In this section, dogs are trained to track down bombs, drugs, as well as cadavers. Once the object has been tracked the dog must be able to point it out. They are also taught to track their selected object by scent until they are called off.

Protection is another area of training for the dog. This training concerns specific commands in which the dog is able to identify an attacker and protect the owner. However, they can also be trained to do this without commands.

The whole point of Schutzhund training is to have a dog who possess a working set of skills which can be used quickly and effectively. The success rate for the official training programs is usually 20% or less. However, these methods of training can also be employed at home with a little bit higher success rating.

If you are seriously considering the Schutzhund training for your dog, do some heavy research for the many training courses which are based on their success rates.

Puppy Training in Bulldog’s


Training  Bulldog’s Puppy

One of the oldest and prestige dogs today is none other than a Bulldog. This pedigree has represented Britain for over 400 years. Bulldog’s tend to be stubborn at times, but has plenty of courage. Puppy training a Bulldog can be quite a task due to the pups nature.

Selecting a Dog

Upon selecting the Bulldog, be aware of the amount of work involved. This particular dog suffers from many health-related issues. When deciding on a pup make sure that it has been properly weaned and does not exhibit hostile behavior. Always take a new dog to the nearest vet for a thorough examination. It is also a good time to update the pups’ shots.

Any training needs to begin as soon as the Bulldog arrives. Only proceed if the dog is past weaning age, and has proper social skills. If the pup has not been introduced to people or other animals, now is the time to start.

Training a Bulldog

Training should begin with basic commands. Adding to much at once might confuse the dog. It is suggested to use a crate at the beginning stages of house breaking a pup. The process may take a while, but if successful, a Bulldog will be less likely to ruin the residence.

As the Bulldog learns simple commands, establish authority over the pup. Teach the dog not to bite by using toys as an example. Provide a noise or movement to for the pup to indicate discomfort. Do not allow the dog on household furniture. Try to keep the pup in the crate as often as possible. This way the Bulldog will become accustomed to being in there.

Training an move in to obedience after the initial stage. Simple commands could consist of “Lay down,” “Sit,” and “Stay.” A few extra ones can be applied such as coming when called, or leash training.

A Bulldog is knowledgeable of certain cues, however, because of its nature, may decide to follow the owners’ direction.

Protecting a Bulldog through Training

Due to a Bulldog’s nature, it will explore everything it can find. The breed is extinctively curious. Owner’s should teach the dog not to chase after vehicles, to heel at a curb, and to stay close when out for a walk. Keep the pup on its leash until the dog has learned to come when called, and knows to not get to far ahead. Bulldogs have a higher risk of wondering off than other dogs of similar size.

Training a Bulldog can appear to be a daunting task, but upon reflection, a Bulldog is one of the most loyal companions to have as a pet. The pup will stay close to its owner, follow direction and keep the house clean. This is why training is an important step from a young age.

As one can see, a Bulldog is an excellent pedigree to own. They might be strong willed at times, but they are also courageous, loyal, and follow instruction well.

Tips on Mastiff Training

Some Tips on Mastiff Training

Here are some wonderful tips on Mastiff training. If the bigger breeds of dog are your preference, then the beautiful Mastiff is for you. If these dogs are trained though, you will have one massive hunk of wild flesh and slobber. Mastiff training has to be started at eight weeks of age in order to be effective.

The Mastiff is very receptive to training and is always eager to make its master happy. As soon as you bring your Mastiff puppy home, you need to start the training immediately and stay consistent with this training at all times.

Here are some key tips to training this breed of dog. Different breeds require different training and the Mastiff responds a little differently than others. The Mastiff is pretty mellow dog compared to other breeds. They do, however, require a lot more regular exercise than most breeds. They don’t run very much, being bulkier in size, so when training your Mastiff to go for a walk, set aside a little more time with this type of dog for exercise than would normally do. Because of this is a more muscular breed of dog, Mastiff training goes a little slower. And they are a bit stubborn, so be patient.

Nuts and Bolts of Mastiff Training

In order for your Mastiff to be properly receptive to training, make sure that he has been with his mother for at the least eight weeks. This will make sure that they have the basic socialization skills that a litter brings. It will ensure his mellow temperament.

The dog will need constant companionship with the owner or at least one person until the dog reaches three months of age. Also make sure that there are other dogs for the Mastiff to socialize with. Don’t make him a reclusive dog.

Never involve your Mastiff in guard dog training. If they are taught to be alert to threats, it will make their regular training twice as hard and makes them much harder to control. Just their size alone should be enough to scare off would be intruders and they are naturally protective of their owners.

Obedience Training for Your Mastiff

Mastiffs are one of the easier breeds to train for obedience. They pick up commands fairly easy so don’t be intimidated when it is time to start the training. This training should start at about fourteen weeks of age after housebreaking and teaching the dog it’s place in the household. Never be forceful when training your dog. Do not use violence during the training either since this is neither safe because of the dog’s size nor is it legal either.

Because this dog has a naturally mellow personality and won’t be taught tricks, the vital commands that it needs to learn are to sit, stay and leash training. Also, because of their size and strength, they also need to be taught not to chase after things.

Training them the basics is very important and Mastiff training is a pretty easy job in itself. But, because they are just a bit stubborn, it does require patience. The reward though is a very lovable and well-mannered dog.

Training a Dachshund

Training a Dachshund

Dachshunds are the most adorable dogs to date. The problem is that they require a different method of training. Despite the cute stature, a Dotson is mischievous by nature. The question becomes: Does a Doxie need specialized treatment to control its’ behavior?

The Difference with Dachshunds

First, training a Dachshund is no easy feat. The Owner of a Doxie needs plenty of patience. This is due to the stubborn attitude exhibited by the dog. Dotson’s tend to be independent with an “achiever” mentality, and will calmly wait for whatever they desire.

The main thing to remember about Doxie’s is that besides being very charming, a Dotson is still a dog. The pup needs to be treated in a certain manner compared to other canines. The moment that a Master allows the dog to be humanized, or given free reign, any training will be null and void. It would be a process of starting back at the beginning.

If a Master is neglectful during the teaching phase, the dog is at risk for serious back problems. A Dotson also has a high-spirited demeanor. The dog can injury its’ back when climbing or jumping because of extremely small size. Both issues can be addressed with behavior modification.

Dachshund Training Fundamentals

Start training the Doxie when the pup is still young. Make sure to provide the dog with adequate exercise. This pedigree is trained to be hunting dogs. If left with no place to exhort that energy it can come back on the owner.

Double check to ensure that the pup has plenty of running space, and it will be easier to teach. Remain firm and plan accordingly.

Sessions should never be more than a few minutes at a time. Five is sufficient when training the Dotson. Anything beyond that amount will result in a bored pup. The Master wants to keep the dogs’ attention in order to teach basic commands.

Introduce words to the Doxie, such as, “Sit”, “Stay”, and “Down”. As explained earlier, Dachshunds cannot jump or climb without proper support. Owners should help the pup when going up or down stairs. Do not allow jumping on the furniture. This provides the dog with some protection.

Using a clicker to train a Dotson is an excellent part of the teaching process. Despite a Doxie not being able to hear well, the dog can respond to loud sounds. Intermediate bursts of the clicker can hold the pups’ attention.

Disciplining this pedigree is not conducive to the Dachshunds independent persona. Excessive punishment will lead to hostile behavior, whereas, rewarding the dog creates a loving pet. Doxies adore physical interaction and treats as a way to show appreciation.

In short, training a Dotson is extremely complicated. It requires a great deal if endurance. Dachshunds will only hold their focus for a short period of time. While a Doxie can be a fabulous pet to own, they are stubborn and very assertive. Do not let the dogs’ cuteness deter from the ultimate goal. That objective is a well-mannered Dachshund.

Training Your Chihuahua

Training Chihuahua

Training your Chihuahua takes some patience because of their personalities. They are cute and they are lovable, but they can also be high strung terrors as well. A lot of owners don’t see past their small size and think of them as not being any trouble. But without training, they can quickly become a small powder keg of dynamite. They can be destructive and meaner than their small size denotes. So training your Chihuahua has got to start at a young age.

Why It Is Vital to Know How to Train Your Chihuahua

A Chihuahua is devoted to it’s master and wants to go everywhere with you. They want to spend every minute possible with you in both sleeping and waking hours. That is why they make the best companions. But a Chihuahua is like any dog in spite of it’s size. And training your Chihuahua is a necessity because these little dogs are very aggressive and stubborn when it comes to obeying commands that you give.

The Chihuahua does not get along well with other dogs and its aggressive attitude is renowned. They think that they are bigger and meaner than they are and have been seen chasing pit bulls down the road. This can be a very bad scenario for the Chihuahua if the pit bull turns on it.

Although extremely aggressive with other dogs, Chihuahuas are very shy around other people. They are not very good with children either and very jumpy to outside noises. These behaviors can be reversed with good training.

Steps to Training Your Chihuahua

The first step to having a well behaved Chihuahua is to assert yourself as the Alpha personality in the household. The Chihuahua thinks that the house is his and that he is in charge. He will “act out” to show you that he is boss if you let him. Here is how to become the Alpha personality.

Make sure that you set a “feeding time” for your dog. Once you have set the time for your dog to eat, do not cave in to the whining of your dog. Food is given no earlier or later than the set time. Walk your pet twice daily making sure that you are the one in control of the walk. Don’t let the dog dictate the direction or speed of the walk. Leash control is very important when training your Chihuahua.

Mental Stimulation is Important to Your Chihuahua

Even with their seemingly endless energy, a Chihuahua rarely gets enough exercise. The key here is to make sure that they aren’t bored. If possible, take them to the park and play with them. Don’t give the dog a chance to challenge you. Don’t lose your temper with your Chihuahua but have patience with them. They love you but they don’t know what you want from them. It is much easier training your Chihuahua with simple commands such as stay, sit or fetch. This will lessen their bad temperament and make them much more pleasant to be around.